NMIA is the primary airport in Jamaica for business travel to and from Jamaica and for the movement of air cargo. The airport plays a critical role in the economic development of Jamaica, and is the premier gateway to the nation’s capital, Kingston. NMIA is currently under a concession agreement signed in 2003 between NMIA Airports Limited (“NMIAL”) and Airports Authority of Jamaica (“AAJ”). The AAJ then embarked on a 20-year Master Plan, to upgrade the existing infrastructure and to date has invested approximately US$136 million to construct a new departure terminal, a cargo terminal and airside improvements. In order to meet the Public Private Partnership (PPP) due diligence requirements, AAJ has sought and received funding from the EIB/IRS to undertake a series of studies. These funding as stipulated by the EIB/IRS must be used to underwrite technical assistance, studies connected to the diagnosis of actual situation and future obligations regarding to privatization of operations at the Airport.
CEAC was contracted to review and collect data on environmental issues, establish a community outreach community (COC), Climate Change Adaption Technical Advisory Group and working solutions, develop a project website for climate change adaption, GIS applications & models assessment, obstacle surface model and airport zoning analysis, LIDAR survey data collection and calibration, develop noise exposure maps and land-use compatibility analysis, climate change scenarios and vulnerability report, environmentally compatible and incompatible land use assessment and land use plan, climate change adaption assessment.