

July 3, 2023

The Wave… Flume of the Future

A wave flume is a priceless piece of equipment in the structural design of coastal works. CEAC Solutions... View Article

January 18, 2023

Engineering a Resilient Capital

In 2004, Hurricane Ivan struck Jamaica with category 4 winds, resulting in high storm runoff, extensive flooding, and... View Article

August 5, 2021

Breaking Rocks: Quality Control Issues in Coastal Structures

The start of numerous coastal protection projects across the Caribbean has seen traditional civil works contractors venturing into... View Article

August 5, 2021

A Sticky Situation: Contemporary Issues in a Physical Scale Model of Coastal Structures

Physical scale models offer a unique opportunity to test the stability of empirical designs and observe run-up and... View Article

August 5, 2021

The role of construction monitoring in Engineering works

The practice of construction monitoring in Jamaica is often side lined, while other aspects of project management are... View Article

October 1, 2017

Coastal resilience through flume studies

Resilience and cost optimizing in large coastal projects can be key to go or no go. CEAC recently acquired and... View Article

March 4, 2016

A Tsunami Hazard Modelling for Old Harbour Bay, Jamaica

An assessment of tsunami hazard was carried out for Old Harbour Bay for a Tsunami event generated off the north coast of Panama

February 20, 2016

Shoreline Change in Jamaica

Shoreline Change in Jamaica: Observations for the period 1968 to 2010 and projections to 2060 Christopher Burgess, JP,... View Article